Smog Advantgate Web SiteThe smog check industry is a local market, so if a shop 10 miles away from you charges a lot less it doesn't matter so much. However it matters more now with the advent of the Internet. These days, if a customer has not visited your shop before they will more than likely price compare and check reviews before visiting a shop. Because of this, a shop located some distance away from you can compete for your customers. That said location is still the strongest driver for price and sales volume. You should look at these factors when evaluating a shops location:
Some smog shops make a very good living by smog checking vehicles which are being purchase by a nearby car dealer. Others smog state, city or other local government vehicles. If the current owner is not doing business with these entities, check the area and see if these businesess are interested in doing business with you. These type of arrangements tend to be discounted and high volume. If possible you should track sales by these customers. If they don't bring you enough business then the price you extend may not be worth the discount. You should have a way to create an invoice for past smog checks on a monthly basis quickly and easily.
Demand Advantage the company bringing you smogshopforsale.com provides a web based work order system specifically for the smog test industry - Smog Advantage. Smog Advantage has many reports that can help you track your shops revenue quickly and easily for any where you have a browser and an internet connection. Below are some of the reporting features:
"I can get it for less down the street". Anyone who has been in business has heard a prospective customer say this before. The irony is that in a recent survey of smog check customers, price was not the most important item in their decision to chose a specific smog check business. To the right you can see the priorities of smog check customers when they are deciding to chose a location
So, as a business owner your goal is to convince the customer that your convenience and speed justifies the price.
What many owners and people looking to buy a smog shop consider convenience is "how easy is it to get to the smog shop". Clearly it is that but it is also more than that. For example:
When buying a smog shop, look at the facility. If it has the ability to have a comforable waiting area, but the current owner has not laid out the shop to take advantage of that, then you may have an opportunity to grow the shop revenue by making these changes. If the location does not have an area, you might be able to put up a shaded area using a tent or other temporary structure. If you can make changes of these types you will be more likely to be able to justify a higher price to the customer.
Many of the ways in which a customer can find convenience at your location are related to how your business is run and how professional your staff is. A poorly run business with unprofessional staff can destroy the advantages presented by the location. Smog Advantage has features that help you monitor your staff and streamline your operation to bring convenience to your customers.
See how Smog Advantage can help you run your business »